
Praise to Aviation

Aviation is dynamic.  It is a very fast-moving and agile industry, even though each of its steps should be recorded and it is continually and frequently inspected. This dynamism is the exact reflection of the state of the airplane, the most visible product, as hundreds of tones take off in seconds.

Aviation is organized. The total amount of paper documents regarding the recorded operations during the period in which an average airliner provides service can reach a size that cannot fit in the aircraft cargo. Although it seems to be strict and have rules, it is probably the most compatible and coordinated branch of industry, as aviation reconciles. In every part of aviation, the necessity and consciousness of getting together with various disciplines to reach success, in other words, meeting on a common ground to fly safely are dominant. People never evaluate the rules as drudgery. On the contrary, they know that the rules are essential for safety and productivity.

Aviation is reliable. While making a decision, it looks out for all factors, conducts all necessary tests, and tests itself in the most challenging conditions. When it says, “I am ready,” it is unmistakably and really ready.

Aviation is simple. It only lives with the things it needs and finds necessary. It does not want extra weight, even half a kilogram. It always tries to be lighter, more flexible and more energetic. When it shows off it becomes unbalanced and puts its durableness at risk.

Aviation does not like memorization. It uses the right information from the right source and uses it at the right time. It does not try to remember everything, knows where to find what it needs. It always studies, refreshes its knowledge, and never gets sick of writing in detail.

Aviation is explicit. It puts forth at the beginning the conditions it needs for a full performance and clearly speaks out its requirements. It immediately is affected by a change in conditions, but it displays full performance when the conditions are stable.

Aviation unites. It shortens the distances. It gives us the opportunity to see the regions of the earth we can never travel to. It makes people come closer. It speeds up the process of familiarizing with different cultures. Moreover, most of the time, the process is only made possible thanks to it. It gives the opportunity to experience a brand new culture on a weekend getaway. It takes us out of our own world, and almost beams us to utterly different worlds shaped with various factors and experiences. It allows us to reach in the same day from snowy-icy climates to warm beaches, from arid climates to blue seas and green nature, from grey-hazy air to sunlight, and from the scorching heat to cool forests. Thus, we also switch from one political climate to other, at an equal speed.

Aviation is helpful. It is never bored of calling for the passengers again and again, directing them, reminding names, protects from the rain, and accompanies from the gates of the airport to the gate of the airplane. It rapidly takes those who are not able to go on long trips to the places they want or have to go.

Aviation accelerates. It makes possible to do more in little time. It does not slur over the urgencies, it gets the job done. It never wants to stay on the ground, it always wants to fly. When it cannot fly for a while, it gets bored, sick, and needy of care.

Aviation is intimate. It does not only promise to “take up to the clouds”, it does. It does not need to advertise, because what it does speaks for itself. It works transparently and trusts its employees. It puts its cards on the table, as they are already revealed when it takes off. 

Aviation is brave. It sets its mind to go to the places that are said to be unreachable. For this cause, it fills the seas, planes the hills, passes deserts and oceans. Even though it experienced many bitter errors and losses to reach its targets, it knows to continue its path by taking necessary lessons.

Aviation is both traditionalist and modernist. It is always aware of the contribution of successor that brought it to today. It always carries its old experience to today, but it does not hesitate to leave the old one when it meets a more productive one. It puts great importance on experience and knows that there is always a gap to improve.

Aviation is loyal. It always remembers its “mosts”, keeps them in museums and shows great respect to them. It occasionally visits them, asks them how they are doing, and tries to solve their problems whenever they have, as much as it can.

Aviation is fair. There is no old or new for it; there is serviceable or unserviceable. It never gives privilege to any of its planes or plane parts, as long as they are serviced and maintained. Each and every plane and plane part is protected in the same area or shelf, side by side, and with the same care, regardless of their exterior, age or origin.   

As a result, aviation is praiseworthy. It is not exaggeration to suggest that aviation is a life philosophy on its own.